Aquila Mendez-Valdez featured in Forbes for the second time

After President Joe Biden’s horrific debate performance, small business owners may have been prompted to think through their own crisis communications plans (or lack thereof) they might implement should their business ever endure a similar media firestorm. The day after the debate Aquila Mendez-Valdez, CEO of Haute in Texas, shared her thoughts on Biden’s response in an article by Forbes.

While politics is often a sensitive and polarizing topic, the thoughts Aquila and more PR pros shared are noteworthy with their experience in public relations, where managing crises and shaping the narrative are key. Haute in Texas is well-known for helping clients through situations with planned communication and strong storytelling. 

For Biden, the situation has rapidly evolved even since this article was published. But for the sake of our country, we hope using the strategies she and other contributors suggested could be helpful. Showing consistent energy and engagement in debates and public events can help rebuild his image and reassure voters of his ability to lead. Following proven crisis recovery tactics, as suggested by the article, can also help him overcome this recent setback.

Funnily enough, the first time HIT was featured in Forbes was discussing another crisis, but of an entirely different type. In that initial instance, we were discussing Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, now known as X. How ironic that Elon Musk’s social media crisis seemed so important then, and so mundane now. Even though these two crises were different, the recurring theme was how to look better in the public eye to gain support. Whether it’s Biden needing to show he has the energy to be the president for the next four years, or suggesting Musk stay calm and get help from his team, PR strategies should above all make clients feel as though they’re back in control of their own destinies.

Monzerath Montoya, an Account Assistant at Haute In Texas, recently graduated from NSITE High School with a focus on Entrepreneurship. She is now set to pursue a major in International Business and a minor in Marketing at university. Monzerath is passionate about travel and has aspirations of launching her own business in the future.